In a concerning incident, Karnataka Raj Bhavan received a hoax bomb threat on Monday night, prompting an immediate response from the Bengaluru Police. The police have launched a thorough investigation into the matter, deploying a bomb squad to search the premises. Fortunately, the search yielded no evidence of any explosive device.
Investigation and Action:
The Bengaluru Police received the hoax call from an unidentified individual, leading them to dispatch a bomb squad to Karnataka Raj Bhavan. Subsequent searches, however, revealed no credible threat. Despite the apparent falseness of the claim, the police have decided to lodge a case and are committed to conducting additional searches to ensure the safety and security of the premises.
Police sources stated, “This was a hoax call. We’ll lodge an FIR. We got a call yesterday at midnight from an unknown number to our control room saying they’ve kept a bomb in Raj Bhavan. We will conduct another search today.” The authorities remain vigilant in addressing any potential security concerns arising from such incidents.
Recent Wave of Threats:
This hoax bomb threat comes on the heels of a series of unsettling incidents in Bengaluru, where approximately 44 schools received bomb threats via anonymous emails just 10 days ago. The threats caused widespread panic among students, parents, and school authorities, prompting swift action from the Bengaluru Police.
The initial wave of threats targeted seven schools, including notable institutions like Napel and Vidyashilpa in Basaveshwar Nagar, with one school situated opposite the residence of Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister, DK Shivakumar. In response, the police evacuated students and staff from the threatened schools as a precautionary measure, despite indications that the threats might be hoaxes.
The recurrence of such threats highlights the importance of maintaining heightened vigilance in public spaces and government institutions. The authorities are actively investigating these incidents, emphasizing the need for stringent measures to deter and address potential security threats. As investigations continue, the public remains hopeful for swift resolutions to ensure the safety and well-being of the community.