Kochi’s Subhash Bose Park to be reopened on Tuesday

A child looks eagerly at the play equipment inside the Subhash Bose Park which will be reopened for the public.
A child looks eagerly at the play equipment inside the Subhash Bose Park which will be reopened for the public.

A pollinator garden and herb garden were also set up there and the renovated facility was then inaugurated by actor Mammootty.

A child looks eagerly at the play equipment inside the Subhash Bose Park which will be reopened for the public.
A child looks eagerly at the play equipment inside the Subhash Bose Park which will be reopened for the public.

KOCHI: The Subhash Bose Park, among the most sought-after public spaces in Kochi, will be reopened from Tuesday. The facility was closed down following the second wave of COVID from April this year. The park will be reopened at 3 pm, and will function adhering to the COVID protocol.

Initially, only two gates will be opened. The park will also be opened for those who prefer to have their morning walk there from 6am to 9am. It will remain open for the public from 3pm to 8pm. On holidays, the facility will be open from 11am to 8pm.

The timing will be rescheduled according to the improvement in the COVID situation. The park was closed in 2020 soon after the coronavirus outbreak, and was first reopened in April this year.

A pollinator garden and herb garden were also set up there. The renovated facility was then inaugurated by actor Mammootty. The pollinator and herb gardens were created as part of the biodiversity project implemented by ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, and the Kochi corporation’s Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development (C-Hed).

The pollinator garden mainly consists of nectar plants that butterflies can feed on and help in plant reproduction. Along with the Subhash Park, the Koyithara Park in South Panampilly Nagar will also be opened for the public.

Park to function also on holidays

The park will remain open from 11am to 8pm on holidays. The timing will be rescheduled according to the improvement in the Covid situation

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